The Synthetic Pyrethroids PBO in Stock
Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa
Piperonyl butoxide e sebetsang hantle haholo (PBO) ke e 'ngoe ea li-synergists tse hlahelletseng ho eketsa katleho ea Chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana.Hase feela hore ka ho hlaka e ka eketsa chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana ka makhetlo a fetang leshome, empa hape e ka lelefatsa phello ea eona nako.
PBO ke syntheses ea mahareng 'me e sebelisoa haholo temong, bophelo bo botle ba malapa le ts'ireletso ea polokelo.Ke eona feela phello e kholo e lumelletsoengSebolaya dikokonyanae sebelisoang bohloeki ba lijo (tlhahiso ea lijo) ke UN Hygiene Organisation.Ke tlatsetso e ikhethang ea tanka e khutlisetsang ts'ebetso khahlano le mefuta e hanyetsanang ea likokoanyana.E sebetsa ka ho thibela li-enzyme tse hlahang ka tlhaho tse neng li ka senya molek'hule ea chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana.PBO e phunyeletsa ts'ireletso ea kokoanyana 'me ts'ebetso ea eona ea ho sebelisana le eona e etsa hore likokoanyana li be matla le ho sebetsa.
Mokhoa oa Ts'ebetso
Piperonyl butoxide e ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea likokoanyana tsa pyrethroids le likokoanyana tse fapaneng tse kang pyrethroids, rotenone le carbamates.E boetse e na le liphello tsa synergistic ho fenitrothion, dichlorvos, chlordane, trichloromethane, atrazine, 'me e ka ntlafatsa botsitso ba lihlahisoa tsa pyrethroid.Ha u sebelisa ntsintsi ea ntlo e le ntho e laolang, phello ea synergistic ea sehlahisoa sena ho fenpropathrin e phahame ho feta ea octachloropropyl ether;Empa mabapi le phello ea ho kokota ho lintsintsi tsa ntlo, cypermethrin ha e khone ho kopanngoa.Ha e sebelisoa libano tse thibelang menoang, ha ho na phello ea synergistic ho permethrin, esita le katleho e fokotsehile.